Our House is “Sold”

So our house is under contract. We are moving May 10th and at this point have no where to move to! We are flying out to Portland Tuesday to hopefully resolve that. This week has been insane! I can’t believe we got a buyer in only a week on the market! Portland here we come!

Spring Time Water Play/18 Months Old!

Summer came early here in Chicago land so we decided to have some fun with water! After breakfast Mark decided he really wanted to pour his water back and forth between two cups, so I put him in some water clothes and headed outside. He really hasn’t had much of a chance to pour water so this was all new to him!

At first he just scooped the water from the small container to the bigger one with the two spoons. That was… until he realized he could drink it!


Mark first checking out the water and spoons.


Trying out the 1/2 cup scoop.


"Hey I can drink this!"


He spent a long time drink the water one teaspoon at a time! Until Mark realized something better, Josie will drink it too!


"Josie can drink this too!" 


After that most of the time was spent giving Josie spoonfuls of water! Once he spilled enough that he had a puddle he tried to jump in it, that was also a lot of fun! This also happened to be Mark’s half-birthday! 18 months old is a big milestone! He’s mostly far exceeding all the “norms” for his age (except size, he’s kind of short, go figure). I couldn’t be happier!

Having lots of fun outside!


More water for Josie.

The weather has been record highs here nearly 80 each day! We’ve been taking advantage of it while it lasts, the 40’s and 50’s will be back soon enough!







Toddler Routines

Lately I’ve been looking at our routine (which we probably stick to about half the week) and trying to get it more consistant and promote better eating/sleeping/playing/pottying habits. Yes, I know I over think things, but I’m getting better at going with the flow and at least not letting my over thinking affect Mark too much. At the same time though, kids crave and thrive on routine, which is why I’m trying to be more disciplined and get into a routine more. 

I have been looking around trying to find example routines for kids around 18 months and have little luck… So I decided to post the most normal routine we have, a week day where I get up with Mark (as opposed to Ace). For me the key here is routine not SCHEDULE. Generally if Mark is hungry we eat, if he’s tired he sleeps. We don’t force him to stay up until noon because “Its not nap time yet” or anything like that. This is how the day often goes. 

7-8 Wake up, cuddle, undress, go potty, get dressed (Mark),

7:30-8:30 Eat breakfast

8-10ish Mark Plays in his play room, sometimes independently sometimes with me. Often I get our chapter of reading in for the day here, or if we have play group or are going to the store we leave around 9:30 (I also run upstairs to get dressed for the day in this window). 

10:30-11 Snack time. If we are out I give him snacks though out the morning, at home I usually try to wait till just before his nap and give him plenty of fat and protein to help him sleep.

11:30-12:30 Goes to sleep (usually Ace actually puts him down) I usually eat lunch while he’s asleep. Then I can eat whatever I want!! 

1:30-2:30 Get up. 

2-3 Afternoon snack/lunch, usually a smoothie with his probiotics and spinach in it. He LOVES his smoothie, helps keep him happy when he wakes up.

3-6 This is our other good window to go out to play if we want to. He’s rested and full. I have a feeling once the weather gets better we will go on walks or to parks in this window. If we are home Mark follows me around while I do laundry or other chores or we play in his play in his playroom again. Sometimes he gets crabby and we watch an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba. He often has another snack (or 3) in the late afternoon. 

6-6:30 Dinner. Then playtime, lately he just RUNS after dinner! 

7:20 put away toys head up for a bath, then brush teeth, then lotion, stories and PJs.

8-8:30 Bedtime (If we’re lucky). 


Does your child have a routine? 

How much do you stick to it? 

What are the best/most important parts? 

How do you keep yourself disciplined enough to stay on a routine?